AGS Frasers International Movers - Algeria de Hussein Dey

AlgérieAGS Frasers International Movers - Algeria


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Chemin Fernane Hanafi, 16040, Hussein Dey, DZ Algeria
contact téléphone: +213 21 77 14 64
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 36.7325063, Longitude: 3.102726

commentaires 2

  • Eduardo Sfoglia

    Eduardo Sfoglia


    Do not contract AGS-AlgĂ©rie. The company proved to be incapable of offering minimum standards of international transport service. In bad faith, AGS tried to extort me at the moment of the delivery of my container, by charging me undue fees, without any contractual basis. This is an excerpt of a message sent by its Manager, Mr. Michel GIOVANNUCCI: "we are sorry for the time of transport of your lot but we are not master of the shipping companies of transport. good and pleasant evening”. I am a diplomat, I have with other transport companies and would never write this post if I was not sure of what I am affirming. Do not contract AGS-AlgĂ©rie.

  • Mohamed Nafss Zaqiyah

    Mohamed Nafss Zaqiyah


    Ce sont des escrocs, ils annoncent des prix qui ne sont pas du tout ceux du marché local, faites des devis chez d'autres déménageurs algériens avant de signer chez eux!

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