AZ Hôtels Vieux Kouba de Kouba

AlgérieAZ Hôtels Vieux Kouba


pas d'information

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Kouba, Algeria
contact téléphone: +213 21 46 11 77
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 36.7287005, Longitude: 3.076883

commentaires 5

  • en

    MG Newey


    Good view. Just that the hotel is old.

  • Omar Benhabireche

    Omar Benhabireche


    Great hotel "AZ hotel"

  • en

    Mojtaba Safari


    I have been there. It was nice and friendly and also good view to the sea, but very far from urban areas.

  • nin kouba

    nin kouba


    Very good hotel, just one thing every night some young boys standing by the hotel, every time we go out or in they are there stting by the entrance.

  • Jaideep Singh Josan

    Jaideep Singh Josan


    A good hotel at an excellent location. The only thing we missed was room service which they don't have Overall a very good hotel and far better than all other 3 stars i have been staying for over 6 years during travel to Algeria Best part is their English speaking staff which is a big problem in this country.

Lodging la plus proche

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