Department of Bejaia de BĂ©jaĂŻa

AlgérieDepartment of Bejaia


pas d'information

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BĂ©jaĂŻa 06000, Algeria
contact téléphone: +213
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 36.7537612, Longitude: 5.0733099

commentaires 4

  • en

    farah boyer


    Too bad there's not minus sign on these Stars, 1 star is too generous for them. They don't like working, they are always late, they make you make an appointment and then wait 2 hours, the staff thinks they own the place, when you try to talk to their supervisor he's even worse than they are. Their job is literally to take your paperwork stamp it and send it and when he gets back just sign it and give it back to them I don't understand how that takes 8 hours. and don't come back to me with there is way too many people every time I went there at the same 20 people for a good 2 to 3 hours.

  • mouloud boussouira

    mouloud boussouira






    TrÚs ennuyeux et tres retardé

  • azdino BEDJOU

    azdino BEDJOU


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