Hotel El Khayem de Ali Mendjeli

AlgérieHotel El Khayem


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Boulevard de l'A.L.N., Ali Mendjeli, DZ Algeria
contact téléphone: +213 31 74 42 20
site web:
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Latitude: 36.2521298, Longitude: 6.5829404

commentaires 5

  • bouayad youcef

    bouayad youcef


    The rooms were good. Clean and comfortable. The meals at the restaurant was also good. But if you are not a smoker. You are in trouble. Cigarette smell is everywhere.

  • Red Girl

    Red Girl


    No heating even with 6° C . No bath toles. Leaking bath tub. Missing sealing tiles (in the bathroom). No carpets (were existing in a previous visit). Very poor room service (ask for a praying carpet and never got it even after 2 days). -------(Nb: on a previous visit the room was much better)--- For The restaurant, the staff is very welcoming , the service was ok, but the food was tasteless.

  • zaiter Abdennour

    zaiter Abdennour


    It's good yes the location is somewhat poor but it's not very bad

  • Fateh Abed

    Fateh Abed


    Pretty good hotel, very clean, its still relatively new so I don't know if it's going to age well, I hope it will.

  • Said Tahsin Dane

    Said Tahsin Dane


    Hotel is nice but the Internet quality is the worst here. Restaurants could be better.

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