Hydra Hotel de Hydra

AlgérieHydra Hotel



🕗 horaire

Bd Benyoucef Benkhedda, ( ex Sidi Yahia) Hydra, Hydra 16045, Algeria
contact téléphone: +213 21 54 89 42
site web: www.hotelhydra.dz
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 36.738376, Longitude: 3.030059

commentaires 5

  • en

    Kheireddine Bellem


    Good hotel

  • Lilou MGK

    Lilou MGK


    Typical reception and treatment from algerian to Algerian. Not even a smile or welcome . I've already hated it .

  • en

    Amit Agarwal


    The hotel has a very friendly staff who listens to all your needs and quite easy to get taxis to around.. Also it is situated in a very safe areas with a couple of decent restaurants and shops nearby. I had a very comfortable stay here.




    Very expensive... Compared to the services and the rooms it is too much pricey.. Small rooms, unorganised bathrooms and basic services

  • Carlos Graterol

    Carlos Graterol


    Very noisy place however very safe neighborhood and price is ok.

Lodging la plus proche

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