Reigns Of HIPPO de Annaba

AlgérieReigns Of HIPPO



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Annaba, Algeria
contact téléphone: +213 661 85 18 51
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 36.8832491, Longitude: 7.7517923

commentaires 1

  • obumselu victor

    obumselu victor


    A beautiful place and very historic. discover here the basilica of Peace, the bronze plate of ancient roman empire and the largest form in north Africa. The historical timeline of various invasions of hippone and north Africa at large. Thus you will fine traces of the Vandals, Byzantine, Arab and French and obviously Roman. Do not miss to go through the ancient thermal sometimes its not open but on request you can have a tour of it. I found it impressive though a lot of work needs to be done as regards to maintenance and the further excavation. The forum offers you a beautiful view of the new basilica.

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