School Technique D'alger de Alger

AlgérieSchool Technique D'alger


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203, Rue Mohamed Belouizdad, Alger, DZ Algeria
contact téléphone: +213
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Latitude: 36.7447461, Longitude: 3.0806317

commentaires 5

  • Mustapha Chabani

    Mustapha Chabani


    En 1968, il fut l'un des meilleurs lycées techniques d'Algerie. Il avait donné et j'espère qu'il continue de donner des élites de grand niveau pour l'Algerie. Apparemment il aurait besoin d'une bonne rénovation

  • Réda Ketir

    Réda Ketir


    Ah ! LTA... que de souvenirs

  • en

    Samy Touzene


    Studied at this high-school from 2003 to 2006, great high School, great memories. This place gave me solid bases to become what I am right now. Such a shame that it became what it is now, all the good teacher and manager gone... Anyway I hope you'll enjoy your studies there and be reminded that it's an unforgettable place for a LOT of people that've been there.

  • Hisham A

    Hisham A


    Hi, every pupil in LTA, and I'm happy to make this comment. So what can I say? I'd like to thanks all my teacher of 3TM2 in 2006 who try very hard to made a good student so they can keep going in there careers and all the responsibles in this school, who they did care very well about us, and at Madam Mebrouka who was the dir. of that scholl at that time. Finally, I hope you enjoy study in this school, and thanks :)

  • Mohamed Kharbouch

    Mohamed Kharbouch


    I spent three wonderful years at this high school. It gave me a great foundation for my education. At the end of these three years I passed my baccalaureate in 1979. This was at the time a great institution. I have very fond memories about the place, the teachers and all the staff. Thank you LTGA :).

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