Showroom Sovac Algérie (skoda©/seat©) de Chéraga

AlgérieShowroom Sovac Algérie (skoda©/seat©)



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Route des Dunes، Chéraga, Algeria
contact téléphone: +213 661 98 06 02
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 36.7602826, Longitude: 2.9307998

commentaires 5

  • fr

    Walid Chemani


    Un service apres vente de qualité

  • fr

    Lokmane Kouar


    Service nul, commande de voiture de plus d'un mois et on me dit elle est toujours à ghelizane

  • en

    Adam Maghribi


    The skoda Octavia Ambition 2017 face lift 20 tdi 143 ch and 6 speed gearbox saloon it can be used as family car or private hire it has a massive boot space and descent leg comfort in the the front and the back seats the the radio and sat navigation are easy to use and handy the car in general kooks stunning and the price for the car above is just under 2 900 000 DA but I prefer the 1.6 tdi for the town centre cheaper and economical . I am owning the polo 1.4 patrol and my next car should be the Octavia unfortunately the sovac dealer is not taking any order at the moment and the privieus clients still waiting for there order.

  • Brahim Moussaoui

    Brahim Moussaoui


    verey nice

  • Tech Innovator

    Tech Innovator


    European standards quality shwo room but the service is bad

Concessionnaire la plus proche

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