TAJ MAHAL Ben Aknoun de بن عكنون

AlgérieTAJ MAHAL Ben Aknoun



🕗 horaire

07, Rue Idir Toumi, 16000, بن عكنون, DZ Algeria
contact téléphone: +213 23 38 49 82
site web: www.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 36.7562, Longitude: 3.009226

commentaires 5

  • en

    Sarah Farouk


    For Indian food lovers, this is the perfect place to go. Food and service are super.

  • Yannick Portier

    Yannick Portier


    Very good Tikka Masala, nice place

  • en

    Hakim Baghdadli


    Best indian food in town, nice restaurant and friendly staff with easy car parking...what else do we need!

  • Milord Barzotti

    Milord Barzotti


    We made a reservation somewhere bit it was cancelled for some reason, it was a Ramadan evening and we've been fasting all day (STARVING), we tried to find another place but all the restaurants near by were booked to the kitchen, it was crazy! This place was the only place that welcomed us, we ran and we were welcomed with big smiles, we didn't know what to order instantly as we were not planning to eat in an Indian restaurant that night, the waiter smiled at us and went and brought us some hot soup and some dates to break our fats (how kind of them!) We then took out time to order the food that was very delicious, I'm not into spicy food in general but the meal we had was amazing, will definitely go back and needless to say we left them a big well deserved tip :)

  • en

    Yang YoonJung


    One of my favorite restaurants in Alger. Exquisite dishes with kind service and TO-GO service is also available.

Restaurant la plus proche

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