White Dream de Dély Ibrahim

AlgérieWhite Dream



🕗 horaire

108bis Bois des Cars 2,, Dély Ibrahim, Algeria
contact téléphone: +213 560 64 43 74
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 36.7537101, Longitude: 2.9769697

commentaires 5

  • Ecki Topgun

    Ecki Topgun


    It's OK. But too expensive for what you get. Buffet was 3200. And only averagly equipped

  • en

    hocine GUEBBAS


    Cool place

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    Oleksandra Nevdakh


    Nice atmosphere and inner view ) please guys print my pic on wall 😂😂

  • en



    Can do better... While on a business trip with international partners , I took this opportunity to show Algiers night life to my business partners. The crew that served us even with basics notions of english managed to provide us with an outstanding performance. Great atmosphere and acceptable menus list. The tracklist could have been more typical of Algiers but the overall evening was great. While waiting for our drivers to come and pick us up, we have been told by the bouncers at the door in a very inappropriate manner to give way to clients. This is how you ruin a great experience and live a bitter taste in mouth to your customers. An advice delegate PR to someone how to treat and express himself in a polite manner.

  • Prince H

    Prince H



Boîte de nuit la plus proche

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