Protea Hotel by Marriott Constantine i Constantine

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AlgerietProtea Hotel by Marriott Constantine



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Avenue Aouati Mostefa 59 Constantine DZ، Constantine 25000, Algeria
kontakter telefon: +213 31 92 24 24
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.3571771, Longitude: 6.6091169

kommentar 5

  • Kamel Sai

    Kamel Sai


    ok cool your pisition corwct and service good

  • Bill Falls

    Bill Falls


    Terrible service all 4 times we ate at the restaurant. Breakfast was worst: the food at the buffet was not refilled before or even after it ran out, cups and glasses were not replenished in the drink area, tables were not cleared and reset when customers left. We came at 6:30 one day and 8 the next and had to track down staff as far as the kitchen to get place settings and basic food. Once a waiter acted resentful of our polite request. Then there was the single tiny elevator that ran slowly between 11 floors (-4 to 6), was often full when it reached 6 because people on lower floors had prudently grabbed it on the way up, and sometimes bypassed the floor we selected and went all the way to -4 where no one had called it. One member of our tour was scolded for taking one of the two service elevators that were on the same corridor on the guest floors with no markings telling guests they were not to be used. My impression is that the staff mean well but are managed poorly by people who don't know what they are doing. Our room was OK.

  • mmtyvs



    Very nice staff and good and a cheap alternative for original marriott hotel

  • Serkan Uzun

    Serkan Uzun


    One of the only international hotel in Constantine, new and clean rooms, and normal breakfast and dinner. Don't expect too much in any case.

  • Omar Elfarouk Zahafi

    Omar Elfarouk Zahafi


    Very nice view friendly staff good breakfast

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